List of publications ordered by year (recent first)
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Erev, I., Hreib, M., & Teodorescu, K. (2023). Big data without big brothers: The potential of gentle rule enforcement. In Knowledge and Digital Technology. Johannes Glückler (Ed.), Springer Nature.
Erev, I. & Plonsky, O. (2023). The J/DM separation paradox and the reliance on small samples hypothesis. In. Fiedler, K., Juslin, P., & Denrell, J. (Eds). Sampling in Judgment and
Decision Making.
Erev, I., Ert, E., Plonsky, O., & Roth, Y. (2023). Contradictory deviations from maximization: Environment-specific Biases, or reflections of basic properties of human learning? Psychological review.
Bonder, T., Erev, I., Ludvig, E. A., & Roth, Y. (2023). The common origin of both oversimplified and overly complex decision rules. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, e2321.
Abofol, T., Erev, I., & Sulitzeanu-Kenan, R. (2023). Conformity and Group Adaptability. Human Nature.
Berliner Senderey, A., Ohana, R., Perchik, S., Erev, I., & Balicer, R. (2022). Encouraging uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine through behaviorally informed interventions: National real-world evidence from Israel. Behavioral Science and Policy., 8(1), 25-32.
Plonsky, O., & Erev, I. (forthcoming). Prediction oriented behavioral research and its relationship to classical decision research. In Pogrebna, G. & Hills, T. (2022) eds. Handbook of Behavioural Data Science, Cambridge University Press.
Erev, I., Yakobi, O., Ashby, N. J., & Chater, N. (2022). The impact of experience on decisions based on pre-choice samples and the face-or-cue hypothesis. Theory and Decision, 92(3), 583-598.
Erev, I., Roth, Y., & Sonsino D., (2022). Decisions from valuations of unknown payoff distributions. Decision, 9(2), 172–193.
Erev, I., & Feigin, P. (2022) Heterogeneous heterogeneity: Comment on Regenwetter, Robinson, and Wang (in press). Decision.
Erev, I., Cohen, D., & Yakobi, O. (2022). On the descriptive value of the reliance on small-samples assumption. Judgment and Decision Making, 17(5), 1043-1057.
Erev, I, & Marx, A. (2022). Humans as intuitive classifiers. Front. Psychol. 13:1041737. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1041737.
Plonsky, O., Roth, Y., & Erev, I. (2021). Underweighting of rare events in social interactions and its implications to the design of voluntary health applications. Judgment and Decision Making, 16(2), 267.
Plonsky, O., & Erev, I. (2021). To predict human choice, consider the context. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25(10), 819-820.
Cohen, D., & Erev, I. (2021). Over and under commitment to a course of action in decisions from experience. Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Cohen, D., Plonsky, O., & Erev, I. (2020). On the impact of experience on probability weighting in decisions under risk. Decision, 7(2), 153.
Yakobi, O., Cohen, D., Naveh, E., & Erev, I. (2020). Reliance on small samples and the value of taxing reckless behaviors. Judgement and Decision Making, 15(2).
Erev, I. (2020). Money makes the world go round and basic research can help. Judgement and Decision Making. 15(3).
Erev, I., Plonsky, O., & Roth, Y. (2020). Complacency, panic, and the value of gentle rule enforcement in addressing pandemics. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-3.
Roth, Y., Plonsky, O., Shalev, E., & Erev, I. (2020). On the value of alert systems and gentle rule enforcement in addressing pandemics. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 3252.
Erev, I. Gilboa Freedman, G. & Roth, Y. (2019). The Impact of Rewarding Medium Effort and the Role of Sample Size. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.
Aharonov‐Majar, E., Rajivan, P., Gonzalez, C., & Erev, I. (2019). The impact of variability and prechoice experience on taking safety measures: The case of security updates. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.
Navon, D., Kasten, R., Pomerants, A., & Erev, I. (2019). A novel cost/benefit approach for reducing frequency of deviant driving speeds in expressways. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 62, 855-869.
Plonsky, O., Apel, R., Ert, E., Tennenholtz, M., Bourgin, D., Peterson, J.C., Reichman, D., Griffiths, T.L., Russell, S.J., Carter, E.C. and Cavanagh, J.F., Erev, I. (2019). Predicting human decisions with behavioral theories and machine learning.
Cohen, D., & Erev, I. (2018). On safety, protection, and underweighting of rare events. Safety science, 109, 377-381.
Plonsky, O., Erev, I., Hazan, T., & Tennenholtz, M. (2017). Psychological Forest: Predicting Human Behavior. In AAAI (pp. 656-662).
Ert, E, Erev, I. (2017) It won’t happen to me: the behavioral impact of extreme risks. In Bier, V. (Ed) Risk in Extreme Environments Preparing, Avoiding, Mitigating, and Managing. Routledge, New York, NY.
Erev, I., Ert, E. Plosky, O., Cohen, D., & Cohen O. (2017). From anomalies to forecasts: Toward a descriptive model of decisions under risk, under ambiguity, and from experience. Psychological review, 122(4), 621.
Plonsky, O., & Erev I. (2017). Learning in settings with partial feedback and the wavy recency effect of rare events. Cognitive Psychology. 93, 18-43.
Etzioni, S., Erev, I., Ishaq, R., Elias, W., & Shiftan, Y. (2017). Self-monitoring of driving speed. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 106, 76-81link
Roth, Y., Wänke, M & Erev, I. (2016) Click or skip: The role of experience in easy-click checking decisions. Journal of Consumer Research. 43(4): 583- 597.
Luria, A., Erev, I., & Haruvy, E. (2016). The Reinforcing Value of Lottery Tickets, and the Synergetic Effect of Distinct Reinforcements. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.
Erev, I., Roth, A. E., & Slonim, R. (2016) Minimax across a population of games. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 1-13.
Erev, I., Haruvy, E. (2016). Learning and the economics of small decisions. In Kagel, J.H. and Roth, A.E. (Eds.), The Handbook of Experimental Economics. Princeton University Press.
Erev, I., Gilat-Yihyie, S., Marchiori, D., & Sonsino, D. (2015). On loss aversion, level-1 reasoning, and betting. International Journal of Game Theory. 44(1), 113-133.
**Marchiori, D., Di Guida, S., & Erev, I. (2015). Noisy retrieval models of over-and under- sensitivity to rare events. Decision, 2(2),
Plonsky, O., Teodorescu, K., Erev, I. (2015). Reliance on small samples, the wavy recency effect, and similarity-based reasoning. Psychological review, 122(4), 621.
Di Guida, S., Erev, I., & Marchiori, D. (2015). Cross cultural differences in decisions from experience: Evidence from Denmark, Israel, and Taiwan. Journal of Economic Psychology, 49, 47-58.
**Erev, I. and Grainer, B. (2015). The 1-800 critique, counter-examples, and the future of behavioral economics. In G. Frechette. and Schotter A. (Eds.) The handbook on Methods of Modern Experimental Economics. Oxford University Press.
Teodorescu, K. & Erev, I. (2014). On the decision to explore new alternatives: The coexistence of under- and over-exploration. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27(2), 109-123 DOI: 10.1002/bdm.1785
Schurr, A., Rodensky, D. & Erev, I. (2014). Peak or freq? The effect of unpleasant extreme experiences. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations. 106, 1-9.
Erev, I & Roth A. E. (2014). Maximization, Learning and Economic Behavior. Proceedings and National Academy of Science, 111, 10818–10825.
de Palma, A., Abdellaoui, M., Attanasi, G., Ben-Akiva, M., Erev, I., Fehr Duda, H., Fok, D., Fox, CR., Hertwig, R., Picard, N., Wakker, PP., Walker, J., Weber, M. (2014) Beware of black swans. Marketing Letters.
Teodorescu, K. & Erev, I. (2014). Learned helplessness and learned prevalence: Exploring the causal relations among perceived controllability, reward prevalence, and exploration. Psychological Science. 25(10) 1861–1869. DOI: 10.1177/0956797614543022
Erev, I. (2014) Recommender systems and learning traps. Proceeding of to the Bolzano Workshop on Decision Making and Recommender Systems 2014.
Teoderescu, K., Amir, M., & Erev, I. (2013) The experience–description gap and the role of the inter decision interval. To appear in C. Pammi and N. Srinivasan (Eds). Decision making: neural and behavioural approaches. Elsevier
Ert, E., & Erev, I. (2013). On the descriptive value of loss aversion in decisions under risk: Six clarifications. Judgment and Decision Making, 8, 3, 214-235.
Hochman, G. & Erev, I. (2013). The partial reinforcement extinction effect and the contingent sampling hypothesis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20, 6, 1336-1342. DOI:10.3758/s13423-013-0432-1
Nevo, I. & Erev, I. (2012). On surprise, change, and the effect of recent outcomes. Frontiers in Cognitive Science, 3, Article 24.
Di Guida, S., Marchiori, D. & Erev, I. (2012). Decisions Among Defaults and the Effect of the Option to do Nothing . Economic Letters.
Dall, S., Gosling, S., Brown, G., Dingemanse, N., Erev, I., Kocher, M.,
Leimar, O., Schulz, L. Todd, P. M., Weissing, F. J., and Wolf, M. (2012). Variation in Decision Making. Ernst Strüngmann Forum on Evolving the Mechanisms of Decision Making: Toward a Darwinian Decision Theory.
Ert, E., Erev, I., Roth, A.E. (2011). “A choice prediction competition for A Choice Prediction Competition for Social Preferences in Simple Distribution Games: An Introduction.” Games.
Erev, I. Ert, E. Roth, A. E., Haruvy, E., Herzog, S., Hau, R. Hertwig, R. Stewart, T., West, R. and Lebiere, C. (2010) "A choice prediction competition, for choices from experience and from description." Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 23, 15-47.
Erev, I. & Haruvy, E. (2010), “Two-stage lotteries and the value of unresolved uncertainty”. Marketing Letters, 21, 2, 149-162.
Erev, I., Ingram P., Raz, O. and Shany, D. (2010), “Continuous punishment and the potential of gentle rule enforcement.” Behavioural Processes, 84, 1, 366-371.
Erev, I., Rodensky, D., Levi, M., Hershler, M., Adami, H., Donchin, Y. (2010). “The value of gentle enforcement on safe medical procedures.” Quality and Safety in Health Care.
Ben Zion, U., Erev, I., Haruvy, E., & Shavit, T. (2010). “Adaptive behavior leads to under-diversification.” Journal of Economic psychology, 31, 985–995.
Erev, I., Ert, E., Roth, A.E. (2010). “A choice prediction competition for market entry games: An introduction.” Games, 1, 117-136.
Biele, G., Erev I., & Ert, E. (2009). "Learning, risk attitude and hot stoves in restless bandit problems." Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 53, 3,155-167.
Hertwig, R., & Erev, I. (2009), "The description–experience gap in risky choice." Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13, 517-523.
Grodzinski, U., Erev I., Lotem A. (2008). Can hungry nestling be trained to reduce their begging? Behavioral Ecology, 19, 116-125.
Ben-Elia E., Erev, I., & Shiftan Y. (2008). "The combined effect of information and experience on drivers' route-choice behavior." Transportation, 35, 2, 165-177.
Erev, I., Glozman, I., & Hertwig, R. (2008). "What impacts the impact of rare events". Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 36 (2), 153-177.
Erev, I., Ert, E., and Yechiam, E. (2008). Loss aversion, diminishing sensitivity, and the effect of experience on repeated decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 21(5): 575-597.
Ert, E., & Erev, I. (2008) “The Rejection of Attractive Gambles and the Heuristic Interpretation of Loss Aversion.” Journal of Economic psychology, 29, 715–723.
Shafir, S., Reich, T. Tsur, E., Erev, I. & Lotem, A. (2008). "Perceptual accuracy and conflicting effects of certainty on risk-taking behaviour." Nature, 453, 12 June, 917-921.
Luria, G., Zohar, D. & Erev, I. (2008). “The effect of Visibility on Supervisors’ Commitment to Safety." Journal of Safety Research, 39, 273–280.
Erev, I., Shinovich, D., Schurr, A., & Hertwig, R. (2008). "On the effect of base rates in perception studies, and base rate neglect in judgment studies". In: H. Plessner, C Betsch and T. Betsch (Eds.). Intuition in Judgment and Decision Making. (pp. 135-148). LEA.
Erev, I. (2007). On the weighting of rare events and the economics of small decisions. In: S. H. Oda (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Economics, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 590. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Parush, A., Ahuvia, S. & Erev, I. (2007). Degradation in spatial knowledge Acquisition when using automatic navigation systems. In S. Winter, M. Duckham, L. Kulik & B. Kuipers (eds). Spatial Information Theory. 8th International Conference, COSIT 2007. (pp. 238–254). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Erev, I., Roth, A.E., Slonim, R.L., & Barron, G. (2007), “Descriptive models as Generators of Forecasts with Known Equivalent Number of Observations (ENO)”. Economic Theory, 33 (1), 29-51.
Ert, E., & Erev, I. (2007). “Replicated alternatives and the role of confusion, chasing, and regret in decisions from experience”. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 20 (3), 305-322.
Erev, I., & Roth, A.E., (2007). “Multi-agent learning and the descriptive value of simple models.” Artificial Intelligence Journal, 171, 7, 423-428.
Zohar, D. & Erev, I. (2007), “On the Difficulty of Promoting Workers’ Safety Behavior: Overcoming the Underweighting of Routine Risks”. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 7 (2), 122-136.
Munichor, N., Erev, I., & Lotem, A. (2006). “Risk attitude and small time saving decisions”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 7 (4), 277-285.
Grosskopf, B., Erev, I. & Yechiam, E. (2006), “Forgone with the wind”. International Journal of Game Theory. 34, 285-302
Yechiam, E. Erev, I., & Barron, G. (2006), “Insurance, safety, and the contradicting effects of experience and presentation”. Safety Science, 44 (6), 515-522.
Hertwig, R. Barron, G., Weber, E. and Erev, I. (2006), Risky Prospects: When Valued Through A Window of Sampled Experiences. In K. Fiedler, & P. Juslin (Eds.), Information sampling and adaptive cognition (pp. 72-91). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Erev, I., & Livne-Tarandach, R. (2005). Experiment-based exams and the difference between the behavioral and the natural sciences. In Zwick R. and Rapoport A. (Eds.), Experimental Business Research, Vol 3. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer
Bamberger, P., Erev, I., Kimmel, M., & Oref-Chen T. (2005), “The effects of peer assessment on individual performance and contribution to group processes: The impact of anonymity.” Group and Organism Management. 30 (4): 344-377.
Hanaki, N., Sethi, R., Erev, I. & Peterhansl, A. (2005), “Learning strategies”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations. 56 (4): 523-542
Yechiam, E., Barron, G. & Erev, I. (2005), “Description, experience and the effect of rare terrorist attacks”. Journal of Conflict Resolutions. 49 (3), 430-439
**Erev, I. and Barron, G. (2005), “On adaptation, maximization and reinforcement learning among cognitive strategies”. Psychological review. 112(4), 912-931.
Erev, I. & Haruvy, E. (2005). Generality, Repetition, and the Role of Descriptive Learning Models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 49 (5): 357-371
Erev, I., Barron, G., & Remington, R. (2004), “Right of way in the sky: Two problems in aircraft self-separation and the auction-based solution”. Human Factors. 46(2). 277-287
Hertwig, R. Barron, G., Weber, E. and Erev, I. (2004), “Decisions from experience and the weighting of rare events”. Psychological Science, 15 (8): 534-539.
Yechiam, E. Erev, I., & Parush, A. (2004), “Easy-first training programs”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 10 (2): 89-96
Barkan, R., Erev, I., Zinger, E. and Zach, M. (2004), “Tips allocation rule, visibility and quality of service in cafés”. Tourism Economics, 10(4) 449-461
Yechiam, E., Barron, G., Erev, I., & Erez, M. (2003), “Cause related marketing: The equalizer”. Journal of Consumer behavior, 2, 320-332.
Meyer, J., Gilat, S. & Erev, I. (2003), "Consensus games in categorization decisions". Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47, 417-428.
Barron, G. & Erev, I. (2003), “Small feedback based decisions and their limited correspondence to description based decisions”. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 16, 215-233.
Yechiam, E., Erev, I., Yehene, V., & Gopher, D. (2003), “On the transition from touch-typing training to everyday use: The value of continued strategic encouragement”. Human Factors, 45 (4): 671-684
Haruvy, E. & Erev, I. (2002), On the Application and Interpretation of Learning Models. In Zwick R. and Rapoport A. (Eds.), Experimental Business Research. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Erev, I., Roth, A.E., Slonim, S.L., & Barron G. (2002), “Predictive value and the usefulness of game theoretic models”. International Journal of Forecasting, 18(3), 359-368.
Perry, O., Haruvy, E. & Erev, I. (2002), “Frequent Delayed Probabilistic Punishment in Law Enforcement”. Economics of Governance, 3, 71-85.
Yechiam, E., Haruvy, E., Erev, I., (2002), “Reinforcement learning and the prevention of data catastrophes”. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17, 599-611.
Haruvy, E., Erev, I. & Sonsino, D., (2001), “The medium prizes paradox: Evidence from a simulated casino”. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 22, 251-261.
Yechiam, E., Erev, I., & Gopher, D. (2001), “On value and limitation of emphasis change training methods”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. Vol 7(4): 277-285.
Erev, I. & Roth, A.E. (2001), “On simple reinforcement learning models and reciprocation in the prisoner dilemma game”. In Gigerenzer, G. and Selten, R. (Eds.), The Adaptive Toolbox. 215-232 Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Gopher, D., Itkin, T., Erev, I., Meyer, J. & Armony, L., (2000), “The effect of shared responsibility and competition in perceptual games: A test of a cognitive game theoretic extension of signal detection theory”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Performance and Perception, 26 (1), 325-341.
Wallsten, D., Erev, I., & Budescu, D., (2000), “The Importance of Theory: Response to Brenner (2000)”. Psychological review,107 (1), 947-949.
Erev, I., Bereby-Meyer, Y. & Roth, A.E. (1999), “The effect of adding a constant to all payoffs: experimental investigation, and implications for reinforcement learning models”. J. of Economic Behavior and Organizations, 39 (1) 111-128.
Erev, I. & Gopher, D. (1999), "A cognitive game theoretic analysis of attention strategies, ability and incentives". In: D. Gopher & A. Koriat (Eds.), Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Interaction of Theory and Applications. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Erev, I. & Roth, A.E. (1999), "On the role of reinforcement learning in experimental games: The cognitive game-theoretic approach". In: D. Budescu, I. Erev & R. Zwick (Eds.), games and Human Behavior: Essays in Honor of Amnon Rapoport. 53-78, LEA.
Zwick, R., Erev, I. & Budescu, D. (1999), "Can psychologists and economists cooperate in the study of human decisions in social and interactive contexts? In: D. Budescu, I. Erev & R. Zwick (Eds.), Games and Human Behavior: Essays in Honor of Amnon Rapoport. LEA.
Budescu, D., Erev, I. & Zwick, R. (1999), Games and Human Behavior: Essays in Honor of Amnon Rapoport. LEA.
Rapoport, A., Seale, D., Erev, I. & Sundali, J.A. (1998), “Equilibrium Play in Large Group Market Entry Games”. Management Science, 44, No. 1, 119-141.
Erev, I. & Rapoport, A. (1998), "Magic, reinforcement learning and coordination in a market entry game". Games and Economic Behavior, 23, 146-175.
Bereby-Meyer, Y. & Erev, I. (1998), "On learning to become a successful loser: A comparison of alternative abstractions of learning processes in the loss domain". Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 42, 266-286.
Barkan, R., Zohar, D. & Erev, I. (1998), "Accidents and decision making under uncertainty: A comparison of four models". Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 74, 118-144.
Erev, I. (1998), "Signal detection by human observers: A cutoff reinforcement learning model of categorization decisions under uncertainty". Psychological review,105, 280-298.
Erev, I. & Roth, A. (1998), “Predicting how people play games: Reinforcement learning in games with unique strategy equilibrium”. American Economic Review, 88, 848-881.
Erev, I., Maital, S. & Or-Hof, O. (1997), "Melioration, adaptive learning and the effect of constant re-evaluations of strategies". In: G. Antoniedes, F. van Raaij & S. Maital (Eds.), Advances in Economic Psychology. Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons.
Gilat, S., Meyer, J., Erev, I. & Gopher, D. (1997), "Beyond Bayes theorem: The effect of base rate information in consensus games and the effect of base rate information". Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 3, 83-104.
Budescu, D.V., Erev, I., Wallsten, T.S. & Yates, J.F. (1997), "Introduction" (to a special issue on stochastic and cognitive models of confidence). Journal of behavioral Decision Making, 10, 153-155.
Budescu, D.V., Erev, I. & Wallsten, T.S. (1997), "On the importance of random error in the study of probability judgment". Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 10, 153-171.
Wallsten, T.S., Budescu, D.V., Erev, I. & Diedrich, A. (1997), "A cognitive foundation for combining subjective probability estimates: overconfident judges can be collectively diagnostic". Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 10, 243-268.
Rapoport, A., Erev, I., Abraham, E.V. & Olson, D.E. (1997), "Randomization and adaptive learning in a simplified poker game". organizational behavior and Human Decision Processes, 69, 31-49.
Rapoport, A., Erev, I. & Zwick, R. (1995), “Bargaining behavior in bilateral monopoly with one-sided incomplete information”. Management Science, 41, 377-394.
Roth, A.E. & Erev, I. (1995), Learning in extensive form games: Experimental data and simple dynamic models in the intermediate term”. Games and Economics Behavior, 8, 164-212.
Erev, I., Gopher, D., Itkin, R. & Greenshpan, Y. (1995), "Toward a generalization of Signal Detection Theory to n-person games: The example of two person safety problem". Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 39, 360-376.
Bornstein, G., Erev, I. & Goren, H. (1994), "Learning processes and reciprocality in intergroup conflicts". Journal of Conflict Resolution, 38, 690-707.
Gonzalez-Vallejo, C., Erev, I. & Wallsten, T.S. (1994), “Do decision quality and preference order depend on whether probabilities are verbal or numerical?”. The American Journal of Psychology, 107, 157-172.
Erev, I., Wallsten, T.S. & Budescu, D.V. (1994), “Simultaneous over- and underconfidence: the role of error in judgment processes”. Psychological Review, 101, 519-527.
Rapoport, A. & Erev, I. (1994), "Provision of step-level public goods: Effects of different information structures". In: U. Schulz, W. Albers & U. Mueller (Eds.), Social Dilemmas and Cooperation (pp 147-171). New York: Springer-Verlag.
Erev, I. (1994), "Convergence in the orange grove: Learning processes in a social dilemma setting". In: U. Schulz, W. Albers & U. Mueller (Eds.), Social Dilemmas and Cooperation (pp. 187-206). New York: Springer-Verlag.
Wakker, P., Erev, I. & Weber, E. (1994), “Comonotonic independence: The critical test between classical and rank-dependent utility theories”. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 9, 195-230.
Bornstein, G. & Erev, I. (1994), "The enhancing effect of intergroup competition on group performance". International Journal of Conflict Management, 5, 271-284.
Erev, I., Bornstein, G. & Wallsten, T.S. (1993), “The negative effect of probability assessments on decision quality”. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 55, 78-94.
Erev, I. & Wallsten, T.S. (1993), “The effect of explicit probabilities on the decision weights and the reflection effect”. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 6, 221-241.
Erev, I., Bornstein, G. & Galili, R. (1993), “Constructive intergroup competition as a solution to the free rider problem in the workplace”. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 29, 463-478.
Erev, I. (1992). The effect of explicit probability estimates on violations of subjective expected utility theory in the allais paradox". In J. Geweke (Ed.): Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty: New models and empirical finding (pp 117-124). Dordecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Erev, I. Wallsten, T.S. & neal, M. (1991), “Vagueness, ambiguity and the cost of mutual understanding”. Psychological Science, 5, 321-324.
Erev, I. & Cohen, B.L. (1990), “Verbal versus numerical probabilities: Efficiency, biases, and the preference paradox”. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 45, 1-18.
Rapoport, A., Wallsten, T.S., Erev, I. & Cohen, B.L. (1990), “Revision of opinion with verbally and numerically expressed uncertainty”. Acta Psychologica, 74, 61-69.
Bornstein, G., Erev, I. & Rozen, O. (1990), “Intergroup competition as a structural solution for social dilemma”. Social Behavior, 5, 247-260.
Budescu, D.V., Zwick, R., Wallsten, T.S. & Erev, I. (1990), “Integration of linguistic probabilities”. International Journal of Man Machine Studies, 33, 657-676.
Erev, I. & Rapoport, A. (1990), “Provision of step-level public goods: The sequential contribution mechanism”. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 34, 401-425.
Rapoport, A., Bornstein, G. & Erev, I. (1989), “Intergroup competition for public goods: Effect of unequal resources and relative group size”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 748-756.
Wallsten, T.S., Budescu, D.V. & Erev, I. (1988), “Understanding and using linguistic uncertainties”. Acta Psychologica, 68, 39-52.